Terms of Recipe Use
You must take reasonable precautions, and SharkNinja is not responsible if you do not.
SharkNinja provides this Site as a free-to-use social site for users to share recipes and cooking tips. Unless specifically stated, recipes, cooking tips and any other information or advice on this Site have not been provided or tested by SharkNinja. While we take reasonable steps to remove any obviously faulty advice or recipes, you are responsible for making sure that you take normal precautions and use your own judgment in relation to recipes and cooking tips appearing on this Site. This includes making sure that ingredients are safe for you and anyone to whom you will serve them to eat, making sure that ingredients are properly cooked through as necessary for food safety, making sure that you use all electrical appliances in accordance with their operating instructions, and taking normal kitchen precautions such as not leaving electrical appliances unattended while in operation and not allowing children or animals to come into contact with hot or heavy items. SharkNinja is not responsible for any damage you or anyone else suffers as a result of failing to take these sensible precautions and use your own judgment. SharkNinja also does not guarantee that any recipe will achieve the desired outcome, or that any nutritional advice any user of this Site may offer is correct.
SharkNinja does not exclude or limit its liability for any liabilities which cannot legally be excluded.